Teaching Children with Sensory Impairments

Strategies for Mainstream Teachers
Karen Waldron, Ph.D.; Michael Steer, Ph.D.; Dolly Bhargava, M.Spec.Ed.


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Vision Impairment

Chapter 1: The Spirit of Inclusion
Karen Waldron
Michael Steer

Chapter 2: Definitions, Identification, and Professionals
Dolly Bhargava
Elmwood Visual Resource Centre

Chapter 3: Technological and Medical Interventions
Margaret Griffin

Chapter 4: Teaching Strategies and Accommodations
Wendy Montgomery, with supportive information from the Elmwood Visual Resource Centre and from Faculty, TSBVI

Chapter 5: Activities
Elmwood Visual Resource Centre, with supportive information in Mathematics from Susan Osterhaus and in Science from Matthew Dion, Karen Hoffman, and Amy Matter

Chapter 6: Social Skills
Dolly Bhargava

Chapter 7: Counseling Students with Vision Impairment
Eleanor T. Robertson

Chapter 8: Working with Families
Sylvie Kashdan

Chapter 9: Research and Reflections
Michael Steer
Gillian Gale

Hearing Impairment

Chapter 1: Inclusion
Karen Waldron

Chapter 2: Definitions, Identification, and Professionals
Dolly Bhargava

Chapter 3: Technological and Medical Interventions
Dolly Bhargava

Chapter 4: Teaching Strategies and Accommodations
Ellen Tacchi
Angela Peake

Chapter 5: Activities
Tina Harper, Kacy Brown, and Megan Werner, with supportive information from Faculty, St. Joseph’s Institute for the Deaf and from Graduate Students, Trinity University

Chapter 6: Social Skills
Laura Hemberger
Kathryn Morrow

Chapter 7: Counseling Students with Hearing Impairment
Eleanor T. Robertson

Chapter 8: Working with Families
Katharine Edwards

Meet the Editors

Dr. Karen Waldron is Professor of Education Emeritus and was the Director of Special Education at Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas, for 28 years. Currently, she is a consultant to school districts and families in the areas of at-risk youth, as well as children and adolescents with disabilities. She serves as a consultant for television, radio, and print media. Dr. Waldron’s experiences have included the design of special education programs in Eastern and Western Europe, the Middle East, and Australia. She has taught students at Early Childhood, Elementary, Middle, and Secondary levels, both in general and special education. In addition to frequent presentations to audiences of parents and educators, she has written five books and numerous research articles. She has a Ph.D. in Special Education Administration and a M.S. degree in Reading from Syracuse University (New York), and a B.A. in Education from the State University of New York. Her certifications include Reading Specialist, Superintendent, Mid-Management/Principal, Special Education Supervisor, and Secondary English.

Dr. Michael Steer is Senior Lecturer in Vision Impairment at Renwick Centre, Royal Institute for Deaf & Blind Children, New South Wales, Australia. Prior experiences include Director of the New South Wales Office on Disability; Principal Advisor, Disability Policy for Community Services Victoria; Director of the Integration Unit, Ministry of Education in Victoria; and Adjunct Professor in the Faculty of Health & Behavioural Sciences, Deakin University, Melbourne. Prior to his arrival in Australia, Dr. Steer was Director of Special Education, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador; Principal of the Psychoeducational Teaching Laboratory, Syracuse University; and Principal, Montreal Association School for the Blind. He has a Ph.D. in Special Education Administration, from Syracuse University (New York), with Masters Degrees in Public Policy with Honours (Melbourne), Vision Impairment (Boston College) and Education (Southern Illinois), BA (SGWU, Montreal), Teachers Certificate and Diploma from Exeter University, England. His professional associations include the Australian Society for the Study of Intellectual Disability, Council for Exceptional Children, Phi Delta Kappa, American Association on Mental Retardation, NSW State Counsellor, South Pacific Educators in Vision Impairment, Convenor, Australian Heads of Services (Vision Impairment), Convenor, Round Table on Information Access for People with a Print Disability and NSW State Representative for the Australian Deafblind Council, and NSW State Representative for the International Council for Education of Vision Impaired (ICEVI).

Dolly Bhargava is a Speech Language Pathologist and an Augmentative Communication Consultant. She has completed her Masters in Special Education (Sensory Disability) through the University of Newcastle (Renwick Centre). She is currently working with Ylana Bloom in her own business called ‘Innovative Communication Programming’. She has worked with children and adults with intellectual and/or multiple disabilities in a variety of settings, including the ‘Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children’, Autism Association of Western Australia, Department of Ageing Disability and Home Care, as well as a number of schools, group and family homes, day care centres and vocational programs. She has provided assessment, intervention, consultation, and training services to individuals of all ages, addressing a wide range of educational, vocational, behavioural, communicative, and personal goals. She has co-authored a number of manuals with Ylana Bloom on a range of topics related to positive behaviour support, developing communication, vocational training, communication and literacy skills for children and adults. She has presented workshops on the use of AAC for developing communication, literacy, person centred planning and positive behaviour support nationally and internationally.

Michael McGlasson is a Computer Science and Art student at Trinity University. On the computer, he incorporates both areas of study into a skill base that covers both web design and web programming. As he so eloquently puts it, he “likes to make beautiful things that work.” In his spare time, Michael finds an interest in many pursuits including sculpture, carpentry, athletics, intaglio, film, and other hobbies.

Vidya Ananthanarayanan is the Instructional Support Manager at Trinity University and also the webmaster for the Center of Learning and Technology website. A former journalist, Vidya holds a Masters in Digital Media from Abilene Christian University, and has traveled a chequered path to her current position at the intersection of teaching and technology. Vidya is passionate about technology and its applications in higher education. In her spare time, Vidya divides her time between family and her many hobbies that include knitting, jewelry making, and gaming on the PS2.

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